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Math Catch-Up Programme 

(For those in Pri 5&6, Sec 3&4 and JC 1&2)



- Students who want to achieve mastery in concepts
- Students who feel that they don't receive ample practice from schools.
- Students who have not been working hard previously, this is your last
chance! (there is still a high chance to score an A if you start now!)
- Students who don't want to pay a bomb for quality tuition. (Most students will end up paying close to a thousand dollars or more for having so many tuition hours a week)
- Students who want to get rewarded for their hard work! (We have incentives for students who show improvement in results. )


Sign up early as our class size is small (max 5 students) to ensure every student is well taken care of.


Junior Start Up

(Before Primary 1)



Numeracy and number sense are important skills to be taught and developed. Mastering these skills will set a solid foundation for your child to progress to more abstract concepts when they move on to primary school and beyond. Simple concepts such as subitizing, pattern recognition, counting, part-whole relationship, addition and subtraction, will be introduced at this level.

Upper Primary Problem Solvers

(P4, P5 and P6)


This is a follow up programme where students will be exposed to different types of higher order word problems. Students will be equipped with more advanced problem solving strategies and heuristics. Students will be able to understand and see the connections across major topics such as fractions, ratio and percentage.

H1 and H2 JC Math


Students at this stage are more competent in Mathematics. They will be learning higher-order concepts. They will be given more rigorous problems that challenge their meta cognitive skills and deepen their mathematical thinking and reasoning.

Lower Primary Problem Solvers

(P1, P2 and P3)


On top of conceptual mastery and fluency in mathematical facts, applications of these concepts will be taught through problem solving. Students will be taught how to identify types of word problems, make connections between basic concepts and these word problems and to apply different strategies to solve certain types of word problems. Basic concepts will be constantly revisited during the process of teaching problem solving. Heuristics will also be taught to solve certain types of problems.


At the lower secondary level, much support will be given when students transit from model representations of word problems to the concept of algebra. They will also learn how to form algebraic equations and different ways of solving these equations. Some rules and theorems will also be introduced at this level. For upper secondary level, concepts learnt will be applied to authentic and real-life problems. Further rules and theorems will be explored.

Secondary Math Programme

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